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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Melissa Berry PIcs Leaked?

Here is the scoop I found online about. Bad bad boyfriend. Well this is a pic of Melissa Berry during happier times.

Right back to the scoop I found

Melissa Berry

Melissa Berry is one very unhappy bunny. Well, actually, she's not a Bunny as she's not been in Playboy (yet) and she actually works in the Lingerie Football League (eh? WTF is that?).

The basics are that Melissa Berry and her (now ex-) boyfriend had a falling out and she's suing him. Berry is suing him because he's releaased pictures of Melissa wearing a little less than she nromally does when, umm, playing football. If, as I hope I have, I've got it right that the Lingerie Football League is one where people looking like Melissa Berry play football in their lingerie. I have got that right, haven't I?

A lingerie football league player is suing her ex-lover after he allegedly posted nude pictures of her on the Internet and emailed them to her mother.

Melissa Berry, a 24-year-old rookie linebacker with the Tampa Breeze franchise of the Lingerie Football League, is seeking $15,000 in unspecified damages from her ex-boyfriend Mark Dawson, a 45-year-old safe dating expert, whom she dated earlier this fall.

According to Berry’s lawsuit against Dawson, she took nude photographs of herself with his cell phone. Another photo of her engaged in a “particularly private, intimate sexual act,” was also allegedly taken without her permission, the Tampa Tribune said.

As the story goes, Dawson tooks the photos, Melissa Berry then demanded the phone which they were on, took it and destroyed it. Unbeknown to Berry, Dawson had downloaded the pics and when he started to ask that she pay for the broken phone....and Ms. Berry refused, then the pictures started to turn up on MySpace and other places.

Anyway want to know what Lingerie Football League is all about watch this Lingerie Football League video.

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